Star K Kosher
Star K KosherSebagaimana Umat Islam, yahudi juga menganut sistem “halal” sesai dengan ketentuan yang mereka terapkan.
Sistem aturan makanan jahudi ditetapkan berdasarkan Kashrut (Jewish Dietary laws) yang tertuang dalam bible & torah (taurat). Namun Secara luas kata yang di gunakan pada makanan halal yahudi adalah “Kosher” yang berarti makanan yang telah mengikuti standart Kashrut. Kashrut adalah aturan yang menetapkan mana makanan yang boleh dimakan dan tidak boleh dan bagaimanan makanan itu harus diolah dan dimakan.
Kashrut bersal dari bahasa Ibrani “kaf-shin-reish” yang berarti pas, tepat dan benar.
Aturan Umum:
1. Hewan tertentu mungkin tidak dimakan sama sekali. Pembatasan ini termasuk daging, organ, telur dan susu dari binatang terlarang.
2. Dari binatang yang dapat dimakan, burung dan mamalia harus dibunuh sesuai dengan hukum Yahudi.
3. Semua darah harus dikeringkan dari daging dan unggas sebelum dimakan.
4. Bagian tertentu dari binatang diizinkan mungkin tidak dimakan.
5. Buah-buahan dan sayuran yang diperbolehkan, tetapi harus diperiksa untuk bug (yang tidak dapat dimakan)
6. Daging (daging burung dan mamalia) tidak dapat dimakan dengan susu. Ikan, telur, buah-buahan, sayuran dan biji-bijian bisa dimakan dengan daging atau susu. (Menurut beberapa pandangan, ikan tidak boleh dimakan dengan daging).
7. Peralatan (termasuk panci dan wajan dan permukaan memasak lainnya) yang telah terjadi kontak dengan daging tidak boleh digunakan dengan susu, dan sebaliknya. Peralatan yang telah datang ke dalam kontak dengan makanan non-halal tidak boleh digunakan dengan makanan halal. Ini berlaku hanya di mana kontak terjadi ketika makanan itu panas.
8. Produk anggur yang dibuat oleh non-Yahudi tidak boleh dimakan.
9. Ada beberapa aturan lain yang tidak universal.
Perbedaan dalam Kosher.
Didalam Yahudi sendiri terdapat bermacam-macam sekte dan ada ratusan Badan Pengesahan Kosher di Amerika yang mempunyai standartnya masing-masing.
Dibawah ini adalah Beberapa Simbol Kosher yang telah diterapkan di Amerika dan pengertiannya :
interpreting ancient dietary laws and adapting them to modern
technology, different rabbis have different views about what exactly
passes as kosher. The OU symbol, belonging to the Orthodox Union, is one
of the strictest kosher standards on the market today.The OU has been certifying kosher products for over 80 years. Their first kosher certification went to Heinz. In 1923 Heinz Vegetarian Beans became the first American product to display the OU kosher symbol.”
In addition, the OU is the world’s largest kosher certifying agency. Some of the famous companies that carry the OU symbol include Coca-Cola, General Mills, Heinz, Kraft Foods, Nabisco Biscuit Co., Pillsbury, Procter & Gamble, and Veryfine Products. The OU certifies over 2300 companies with 4500 plants in 70 countries with a total of over 300,000 labels.
“cRc stands for Chicago Rabbinical Council, the largest regional, not-for-profit, Orthodox organization in North America. Since its humble beginnings in the 1930′s, the cRc has developed into a universally accepted agency with a respected kosher certification symbol.
The cRc’s Kosher Division works with close to 800 food companies, producing tens of thousands of products across North and South America, Europe and Asia. cRc has gained a reputation for exacting standards, professionalism, personal attention, reasonable pricing and rapid response time.
Over 50 years ago, Jays Potato Chips was one of the first companies certified kosher by the cRc.
KOF-K symbol is the internationally recognized trademark of KOF-K
Kosher Supervision, one of the foremost kosher certification agencies in
the United States.
Serving the kosher consumer for almost 40 years, KOF-K was the first
agency to introduce computer technology to the complexities of kosher
supervision. Computer technology has placed the KOF-K at the cutting
edge of kosher supervision today.Kof-K has earned a reputation for being efficiently organized, professionally staffed and technologically advanced.
“Triangle-K certification is awarded by a consortium of Orthodox Jewish rabbis who desire to see as wide a range of food products as possible made available to kosher consumers worldwide.
To this end, Triangle-K and Associates works side by side on an individual basis with each of their clients to create reasonable and cost effective certification and supervision programs.
Examples of Triangle-K certified products are Hebrew National, Valley Fig, Sunmaid, Sunsweet, Diamond Walnut, Hazelnut Growers, Minute Maid Juices, Yoo-Hoo, Sunny Delight, Wonder Bread, Del Monte Fruits and Vegetables, Frito-Lay Corn Chips and Potato Chips, Mogen-David Wine, Bird’s Eye Vegetables and Fruits, Ocean Spray Cranberry Drinks, Jellies and Sauces, Hawaiian Punch, Mott’s, and Kraft Puddings.
“Star-K, the symbol of the Baltimore-based Star-K Kosher Certification Agency, provides kosher supervision globally. The newest Star-K office opened in Mumbai, India. Star-K’s Web site offers helpful information to kosher consumers worldwide.
Of the several hundred kosher agencies in the world, Star-K is the only one that certifies technology. For example, it was Star-K that certified the new kosher consumer-friendly Connect Io™ Refrigerated, Internet-Controlled Electric Double Wall Oven, which includes separate Sabbath and Holiday programmable modes. STAR-K is known as a leader in integrating complex food technology with kosher laws.
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