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Petro Therm 500

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Petro Therm 500 are high quality heat transfer (HTO) oil with an oxidation quality, suitable for use in indirect closed fluid heat transfer systems. The range caters for various viscosity requirement and operating temperatures form -30°C up to bulk oil temperatures of 320°C.

• Designed Especially for Heat Transfer System
Suitable for enclosed heat transfer system that requires  mineral oil.
• Low Viscosity
Petro Therm 500 has the relatively viscosity so it has good  viscosity versus temperature characteristic and high  transfer coefficient.

• High Heat Transfer Coefficients
• High Oxidation and Thermal Stability
• Good Viscosity/Temperature Characteristic
• Low Vapour Pressure
• Non-Corrosive
• Non-Toxic
• Thermal Stability
Cracking or the breaking down of hydrocarbon molecules by heat. Large molecules  rupture into smaller molecules and so on. Some appear as volatile gases, while others  are unstable and polymerise into non-soluble deposits, Oxidation or the reaction of  hydrocarbon oil with atmospheric oxygen. At room  temperature this reaction occurs very  slowly, but it accelerates rapidly with increasing temperature.

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